same here, also on 10.1.

I got past that one by forcing the got_storable sub to return 0, just 
out of curiosity, and was rewarded with complaints about the absence 
of Pod::POM::View::HTML. which is certainly absent.

i imagine that a lot of the people you would most like to respond to 
your challenge are using OS X...


At 9:06 pm +0100 16/11/01, allan wrote:
>does anyone know what to do with this problem, which happens
>to me on Macintosh os X 10.1:
>[localhost:/Applications/modperl-site-new] aju% bin/build -vf
>### HTML DocSet: Home ###
>+++ Reading cache from 
>Byte order is not compatible at blib/lib/
>(autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Storable/ line 311,
>at /Library/Perl/DocSet/ line 37
>[localhost:/Applications/modperl-site-new] aju%
>i have no problem with this:
>[localhost:/Applications/DocSet/example] aju% bin/build -vf

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