Jon Robison wrote:

> I have created a login system using the wonderful Ticket system from the
> Eagle book.  I have modified TicketAccess so that after authentication,
> it reviews the arguments in the query string and does push_handler, the
> handler being chosen based on the args.
> My only problem is that I want to provide the users with a logout button
> which will delete the cookie from thier browser, yet I cannot find how!.


I had the same problem and could not succesfully delete the cookie from all browsers 
(IE, Netscape, Konqueror, Lynx, Opera etc.). I eventually solved
it by keeping the existing (session) cookie which was assigned when the user first 
logged in, but marking the user as logged out on the server side.
i.e. associate a user cookie with session data stored in a database, and instead of 
deleting the cookie on the client side, just set something on the
server side session information that marks the user as having logged out. If the user 
then logs in again, just reuse the same cookie and mark the user
as having logged in. This way you only have to assign an authentication cookie once 
per browser session.

This may be tough to drop into TicketTool because IIRC it stores the authentication 
info in the cookie itself, rather than a server side session it
associates with a cookie. Not very helpful, but it's another approach. I'd like to 
hear if you get it working across various browsers by expiring the
cookie - for future ref.


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