After twenty years in hardware and real-time
I'm back at university getting into business
computing, so I'm very new to this server stuff and
I'm trying to learn.

I wanted to run a local server but Microsoft PWS
doesn't run on Win ME. Searching around I came across
this I
found it very helpful, albeit a bit out of date.
So, I've installed apache_1.3.22-win32-x86.msi onto
this Win ME machine as a localhost and it works fine.

I've installed ActivePerl, and it works fine too.

I want to run ASP, so I download Apache-ASP-2.29

Then as per the instructions I did
 shell prompt> perl -MCPAN -e shell
 cpan> install Bundle::Apache::ASP

A huge amount of text flowed down the screen which
ended with
Removing previously used
Couldn't find \.cpan\build\Apache-ASP-2.29\. at
C:/Perl/lib/ line 1972

I tried to run some of Perl's sample asp pages but
nothing worked. Clealy the phrase:-

'The easiest way to install Apache::ASP for the first
time from perl is to fire up the CPAN shell like:'

isn't quite as easy as it claims.

The rest of the information at
is unitelligable to anyone who hasn't worked with
servers, and all the FAQ's seem to assume your an
expert, so I'm no better off.

The main confusion I'm getting is figuring which is
Perl stuff from Apache. Also links like:-
There are several other Perl modules that you might
wish to have installed, to take full advantage of
mod_perl functionality. Provided you have Andreas
König's module, simply run:

is just a long list of meaningles files. 

So, is there any chance of an Idiot's guide to getting
this ASP to work?


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