alan matthews wrote:
> I wanted to run a local server but Microsoft PWS
> doesn't run on Win ME. Searching around I came across
> this I
> found it very helpful, albeit a bit out of date.
> So, I've installed apache_1.3.22-win32-x86.msi onto
> this Win ME machine as a localhost and it works fine.
> I've installed ActivePerl, and it works fine too.
> I want to run ASP, so I download Apache-ASP-2.29

[[ for Apache::ASP support, get on its mail list by emailing

For a quick start, I'd recommend installing the prebuilt 
win32 mod_perl / apache from:

This page ends up referring you to:

It comes fortunately with a working Apache::ASP.  You will 
still need to update the ./perl/lib/ to point to your
compiler installation if you want to build your own perl 
modules later.

This hint is provided here:

As a user going through these woes, it would be helpful if you could
suggest how I could make that part of the install help stand out more,
and content that would be more useful & accurate to you?

What is not in the help is a bug/workaround for WinME / Win9x users
that occurred recently in the 2.25 release of Apache::ASP.  The bug
is that MLDBM::Sync uses flock() which is not implemented on WinME.

The fix is to add this to you httpd.conf, preferrably

*CORE::GLOBAL::flock = sub { 1 };

This fix is not necessary if you do not use $Session
or $Application though, which you can turn off with
the httpd.conf config:

  PerlSetVar NoState 1

> Then as per the instructions I did
> ___________________________________
>  shell prompt> perl -MCPAN -e shell
>  ...
>  cpan> install Bundle::Apache::ASP
> ___________________________________
> A huge amount of text flowed down the screen which
> ended with
> _______________________________________________________
> Removing previously used
> \.cpan\build\Apache-ASP-2.29\.
> Couldn't find \.cpan\build\Apache-ASP-2.29\. at
> C:/Perl/lib/ line 1972
> _______________________________________________________

I will check out the bundle files and see how they can be improved
for the next release.

> I tried to run some of Perl's sample asp pages but
> nothing worked. Clealy the phrase:-
> 'The easiest way to install Apache::ASP for the first
> time from perl is to fire up the CPAN shell like:'
> isn't quite as easy as it claims.
> The rest of the information at
> is unitelligable to anyone who hasn't worked with
> servers, and all the FAQ's seem to assume your an
> expert, so I'm no better off.

Apache::ASP isn't geared towards new users.  It makes a lot of
of assumptions like knowledge of perl, apache, & unix ( perl is
unix paradigm programming often, even on win32 platforms ).
I would like it to make it more user friendly, and I understand
the docs & site can help, so please send me your suggestions.

> So, is there any chance of an Idiot's guide to getting
> this ASP to work?

Not yet!  I have long considered writing a book on Apache::ASP,
which would probably have at least a chapter as the Idiot's guide.
I don't think it would be out in time for your needs though :(

-- Josh
Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Founder                       Huntington Beach, CA  USA                1-714-625-4051

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