There's probably a far better answer to this than I can give, but if not,
an interim solution might be having whoever maintains these Excel files
save them as .csv files.   Excel can do that, and while you lose all the
fancy formatting, it just dumps them in a comma seperated list, then you
can split on commas to get the values out of it.

Hopefully someone else knows of a CPAN module to work with Excel files,

Brian Nilsen

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, Ian wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> In the wide and wonderful world of Microsoft and Linux, I'm in the
> need of an interesting soloution.
> I'm presenting this to the list because I've ran out of good ideas.
> The campus phone system has a 911 database that is in Microsoft Excel
> format, and they want to be able to take that information, and show
> it on a webpage, either via a search form, or in one big table.  The
> problem is, they want to do it dynamically...the web server needs to
> yank it down from a samba share (or ftp), parse it, show it, and
> terminate.  
> I'm really **really** new at anything perl I haven't the
> foggiest clue as to where I should start.  
> I've finally gotten Apache/Mod Perl/Mod SSL installed, and working
> properly.  Are there any modules for pulling information from an
> excel sheet?  How about modules that keep the overworked admin from
> insanity?
> Ian
> - ----
> - From RFC 1925: "(3)  With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine.
> However, this is not necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure
> where they are going to land, and it could be dangerous sitting under
> them as they fly overhead."
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> =Qs9B

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