"Tom Servo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, Ian wrote:
> > The campus phone system has a 911 database that is in Microsoft Excel
> > format, and they want to be able to take that information, and show
> > it on a webpage, either via a search form, or in one big table.  The
> > problem is, they want to do it dynamically...the web server needs to
> > yank it down from a samba share (or ftp), parse it, show it, and
> > terminate.
> [...]
> Hopefully someone else knows of a CPAN module to work with Excel files,
> though...

i count at least 5:

i haven't used any of them, though.  i've used Spreadsheet::WriteExcel, but
it only *writes* Excel files, it doesn't read them (hence the name).

it looks like

    or Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Simple

should do what you're looking for



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