
If i install mod_perl with

# perl Makefile.pl NO_HTTPD=1

the files in src/modules/perl are not copied into the apache source
tree and the Configuration file is not updated. Not a good way.

If i call mod_perl in a way like

# perl Makefile.pl DO_HTTPD=1

the files are copied and Configuration is updated. But when i run make,
the apache is build at the same time.

Is there no way to copy the files without compiling apache? My problem
is that i want to specify additional options for the apache configure
script, but perl Makefile.PL doesn't allow this.

Thanks for help,

> Bekomme ich das mit einer wilden Kombination aus find, sed, cp und
> xargs hin oder sollte ich besser ein Perlskript schreiben?
Verwende Perl. Shell will man koennen, dann aber nicht verwenden."
                                 - Marc Haber u. Kristian Köhntopp, dcoum

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