On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, Carl Holm wrote:

> Hello,
> When attempting to install mod_perl for Win32 ActivePerl using the  
> repository shown,
> I receive this error message  "Error: no suitable installation target 
> found for package mod_perl.".
> http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/cgi-bin/ppmserver?urn:/PPMServer
> I am using  ActivePerl Build 804 on winXP. Any hints or suggestions 
> would be welcome.

The above repository is for 6xx builds. Try


for 8xx builds. Presently, this latter repository just has
mod_perl-2 (for use with Apache2), installed as
   ppm> install mod_perl
within the ppm shell.

best regards,
randy kobes

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