Ged Haywood wrote:

> Hi there,
> On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Lance Uyehara wrote:
>>ErrorLog syslog
> Are you sure you want to do this?
>>How do I get the warnings when syslog is used?
> There are some tips in Stas Bekman's new book, not yet published
> (you'll have to become a reviwer:) and you will find some help in the
> guide --

Too many people suggested that we plunge the syslog section because of 
its slowness and unreliability. You should use log_spread instead if you 
need to collect logs from many machines.

Since this section ss probably going away, here it is:

The syslog solution can be implemented using the following

   LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
   CustomLog "| /usr/local/apache/bin/ hostnameX" common

where a simple I<> can look like this:
   use Sys::Syslog qw(:DEFAULT setlogsock);

   my $hostname = shift || 'localhost';
   my $priority = 'ndelay'; # open the connection immediately
   my $facility = 'local0'; # one of local0..local7
   my $priority = 'info';   # debug|info|notice|warning|err...

   setlogsock 'unix';
   openlog $hostname, $priority, $facility;
   while (<>) {
       syslog $priority, $_;

The syslog utility needs to know the facility to work with and the
logging level. We will use C<local0>, one of the special logging
facilities reserved for local usage (eight local facilities are
available: local0 to local7). We will use the C<info> priority level
(again one of eight possible levels: I<debug>, I<info>, I<notice>,
I<warning>, I<err>, I<crit>, I<alert>, I<emerg>).

Now make the syslog utility on the master machine (where all logs are
to be stored) log all messages coming from facility C<local0> with
logging level C<info> to a file of our choice. This is achieved by
editing the I</etc/syslog.conf> file. For example: /var/log/web/access_log

All other machines forward their logs from facility C<local0> to the
central machine, therefore on all but the master machine we add the
forwarding directive to the I</etc/syslog.conf> file (assuming that
the master machine's hostname is C<masterhost>): @masterhost

We must restart the syslogd(8) daemon or send it the C<-HUP> kill
signal for the changes to take effect before the logger can be used.

Stas Bekman             JAm_pH      --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker      mod_perl Guide

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