> On Thu, Dec 20, 2001 at 01:59:18PM -0500, Geoffrey Young wrote:
> >
> > > > If you just print to STDERR you might want to look at
> > > > on CPAN.
> > >
> > > I took at look on CPAN and was unable to find this module or any
> > > to it. Any idea if it has been merged into some other module or if it
> > > just gone away?
> >
> > over the years, the folks at critical path keep teasing with talk of
> > releasing Apache::LogSTDERR, but I don't think anyone outside of CP
> > (Doug, Brian, Paul) has actually seen it :)
> My apologies.  I never realized that it had never been released.  I'm
> volunteering to maintain it, so I'll publish it under my CPAN id
> soon..
> For now you can visit:
>   http://www.modperlcookbook.org/code.html
> and pick up a copy.

Thanks for the info. I've taken the various suggestions and am going with
Errorlog "| /some/perl/script.pl". Thanks to all who responded.

I really appreciate the help.

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