
    I have written a perl module called Apache::ErrorControl which I am
using to control the output of error messages from the server, and allow my
users to have custom error pages etc.. The problem im encountering is when i
use the "ErrorDocument" to redirect the error page for error 401 to my
module, what happens is the page of the error is displayed instead of
letting the user get authenticated in the first place (by Basic auth or any
other authentication means)..

ErrorDocument 401 /error/401

PerlModule Apache::ErrorControl

<Location /error>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::ErrorControl
        PerlSetVar DefaultForm /www/base/conf/defaulterror

The module does no real handling, all its purpose is to do is output an
error page so I didnt think it needed to handle much else.. so ive probably
over looked something i needed to know in the case of an authenticated

Please help


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