"DJ (David J Radunz)" wrote:

>     How i expected the ErrorDocument directive to behave was as follows:
> WHEN there was an error 401 (ie the user had logged in 3 times and failed)
> there would be an error page shown (in this case it would be /error/401).

The issue of how many tries the user gets is separate.  What I want
you to do quickly is check to see what code your server is returning
when the user sees your error page.  Just use "lynx -dump -mime_header
http://your-url/"; or "GET -s -d http://your-url/"; and tell us what
code you see.  Is it a 401?

I'd just like to be sure the 401 is there before I try to help.


Richard Goerwitz                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel: 401 438 8978

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