James G Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said something to this effect on 12/12/2001:
> darren chamberlain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  5)  Include Apache::URI2Param with the CGI::URI2Param module
> >      that gets installed along with CGI::URI2Param if Apache.pm is
> >      installed, where Apache::URI2Param calls
> >      CGI::URI2Param::uri2param.
> >
> >That'd be the way I would go, although I'm not sure what
> >Makefile.PL would look like.
> I'd go ahead and install it regardless of whether or not Apache.pm is
> installed (if writing an Apache:: module) in case mod_perl gets installed
> after this one and the mod_perl installer doesn't realize they have to go
> back and re-install this module to get the Apache:: version.

I didn't even think of that; if Apache is not installed, having
URI2Param.pm in site_perl/Apache doesn't matter.  Therefore, I
would like to resubmit option 5:

  5)  Include Apache::URI2Param with the CGI::URI2Param module
      that gets installed along with CGI::URI2Param, where
      Apache::URI2Param calls CGI::URI2Param::uri2param.


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