At 4:17 PM -0500 12/17/01, David Harris wrote:
>The purpose of this e-mail is as follows:
>(a) See if others also think that the three alternatives for a mod_perl site
>are not very desirable. If you agree, please speak up and say that you

I agree.

>(b) See if others also think that using the ASF generic site design (even
>though it's not "cool and distinctive") would be a good idea. If you agree,
>please speak up and say that you agree.

I agree.

>(c) Perhaps elicit a volunteer to design an example site that includes Stas'
>content and the ASF generic design. If enough people agree with the first
>two points, someone may be willing to volunteer to do this.. perhaps even
>one of the existing contributors who have already figured out DocSet.
>Perhaps even Stas!

Not me, sorry.  A little too busy right now.

>Lets try to keep this constructive, focused, and concrete. :-)

Concrete isn't used when building websites.

>Also, lets keep in mind something that Stas pointed out to me: most anything
>is a step up from our existing site design. So, if we go with one of the
>three existing options it's still a step up.

So long as "most anything" doesn't include designs that are broken.


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

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