Hi all... I'm trying to put the finishing touches on Apache::UploadMeter, but am running into a minor problem. Due to the complexity of the configuration, I'm trying to use the Apache::ReadConfig namespace from mod_perl_start.pl to dynamically configure the upload-meter (by setting some variables in the Apache::UploadMeter namespace and then calling a configure() routine).
Enclosed is the configure() subroutine. It runs fine, but doesn't seem to be tying the handlers properly. Any advice would be helpful. Also, if anyone know how I could dynamicly add handlers to the stack directly from the Apache::ReadConfig namespace without knowing in advance what other handlers are enabled for a given Location, that would be helpful... Issac sub configure() { my $namespace=__PACKAGE__; my ($UploadScript,$UploadMeter,$UploadForm)=(_conf("UploadScript"),_conf("UploadMeter"),_conf("UploadForm")); warn "Config $UploadScript - $UploadMeter - $UploadForm - in namespace $namespace" if (_conf("DEBUG")>1); package Apache::ReadConfig; no strict; $Location{$UploadScript} = { SetHandler => 'perl-script', Options => '+ExecCGI', #PerlHeaderParserHandler => $namespace."::u_handler", #PerlFixupHandler => $namespace."::ufu_handler", PerlHeaderParserHandler => $namespace."::jit_upload", }; $Location{$UploadMeter} = { SetHandler => 'perl-script', Options => '+ExecCGI', #PerlHandler => $namespace."::um_handler", PerlHeaderParserHandler => $namespace."::jit_meter", }; $Location{$UploadForm} = { Options => '+ExecCGI', SetHandler => 'perl-script', #PerlFixupHandler => $namespace."::s_h", #PerlTransHandler => $namespace."::uf_handler", PerlHandler => $namespace, PerlInitHandler => $namespace."::s_h", }; return 1; } sub _conf($) { my $arg=shift; warn ("Extracting $arg...".eval("\$".__PACKAGE__."::".$arg)) if (eval("\$".__PACKAGE__."::DEBUG > 1")); return eval("\$".__PACKAGE__."::".$arg); } -- Internet is a wonderful mechanism for making a fool of yourself in front of a very large audience. --Anonymous Moving the mouse won't get you into trouble... Clicking it might. --Anonymous PGP Key 0xE0FA561B - Fingerprint: 7E18 C018 D623 A57B 7F37 D902 8C84 7675 E0FA 561B