> He wants to mix cgi-bin & mod_perl by testing all of the scripts in
> cgi-bin and putting one cgi-script at a time into mod-perl folder.

A very simple way to do this is to use <Location> directives to add them to
PerlRun one at a time:

<Location /cgi-bin/some_scr.pl>
SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::PerlRun
 Options +ExecCGI
 PerlSendHeader On

<Location /cgi-bin/some_other_scr.pl>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::PerlRun
Options +ExecCGI
PerlSendHeader On

These directives will override the broader directives for /cgi-bin/.

You could use mod_macro (or <Perl> sections) to avoid all the duplicated

- Perrin

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