Most Cellphones use WAP/WML format.

It's a highly simplified markup language with limited functionality;
there may be mod_perl modules out there to handle it.

You could try a google search for WML (Wireless Markup Language); it's
been a while since i did anything with it and don't have any resources

On Thu, 2001-12-27 at 06:18, SubbaReddy M wrote:
> Hello Gurus,
> I have apache with mod-perl env. on Redhat linux 6.2 and mysql as backend.
> Written perl script that fetch the data from mysql database and generate the
> dynamic page to view
> from PC based browser.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use CGI qw(:standard);
> use DBI;
>         $driver = "mysql";
>         $database = "MsgBoard";
>         $user = "root";
>         $password = "";
>         $host = "";
>         $port = "";
>         $dsn = "DBI:$driver:database=$database;host=$host;port=$port";
>         $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $password,{'RaiseError' => 1});
>         $drh = DBI->install_driver("mysql");
>         my $cgiQuery = new CGI;
>         print $cgiQuery->header,start_html("check user");
>         $myTable = "UNAME";
>         $sth = $dbh->prepare("Select uname From $myTable WHERE uname =
> 'required user' ");
>      if (!$sth)
>         {
>            $ERROR="Error:" . $dbh->errstr."<BR> Network Failed by Your
> request<br></body></html>";
>         }
>      if (!$sth->execute)
>         {
>               $ERROR="Error: " . $dbh->errstr;
>         }
>               $sth->bind_columns( undef,\$uid);
>               $sth->fetch();
>     print "<b> $uid user found </b>";
>     $cgiQuery->end_html;
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> But, now I want to access the same file from Palm top and Cell phone.
> What is content-type and in what format the page need to generate to access
> from the Palm top?
> and from Cell phone?
> If Generate the XML data repository using perl script, to view from Palm top
> what are the parser need to use at Palm top and server.
> Kindly, please give me suggestion and if any examples.
> Thanks  in advance.
> ~ SubbaReddy .M
Brendan W. McAdams             | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Applications Developer  | (646) 375-1140
TheMuniCenter, LLC             |

"Always listen to experts. They'll tell you what can't be done, and why.
Then do it."
- Robert A. Heinlein

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