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Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 17:12:56 -0600
From: Carlos Ramirez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: mod_perl site challenge: proposal to use ASF site design

> From: "David Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Carlos Ramirez's design is broken: broken navigation and pages that don't
> even exist. The page look is somewhat nice, but I can't really evaluate the
> navigation because it's so broken.

My purpose was to submit a proposed 'layout' and
'navigation' and not a fully function website (due to
time constraints). I think you can get the picture of
how the site will navigate without having all the content.
I mentioned this to Stas when I submitted it.

But, let's not forget that people where given a chance to
submit their designs and ideas and also to vote. I did not
have too much time to complete entry (hence the broken
links and missing content), but because I wanted some
change, I submitted a design and voted. I was very
surprised to see only three entries and even more when
Stas announced the low  turn-out. But, this does not
justify the elimination of the 'election', altogether.
We should go with the winning design and go from there.

We can always tweak the winning design abit aftwards (??).

My only suggestion is that the navigation of the site be
somewhere on the top instead of 'squishing' the menu and
the content together. You have more real estate for
content when the navigation is on top. Which is the
main purpose for sites like these. $0.02


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