
I've been trting to get mod_perl working under cygwin. I've manages to
install both Apache and mod_perl and have tested the earlier scripts in the
O'Reilly "Writing Apache Modules" -e.g. The guestbook app.

However, I can't get Apache::Request installed. The tail end of the make is:

lots of undefined symbols

ipart_buffer.o)(.text+0x377):apache_multipart_buffer.c: undefined reference
to `ap_make_table'
ipart_buffer.o)(.text+0x3bf):apache_multipart_buffer.c: undefined reference
to `ap_table_add'
ipart_buffer.o)(.text+0x4e2):apache_multipart_buffer.c: undefined reference
to `ap_pstrcat'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
dllwrap: gcc exited with status 1
perlld: *** system() failed to execute
dllwrap --dllname Request.dll --driver-name gcc --dlltool
dlltool --export-all-symbols --as as --output-def
libRequest.def --output-lib libRequest.a \
-s -L/usr/local/lib Request.o
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/cygwin-multi/CORE/libperl5_6_1.a -L/tmp/libapreq-0.33/R
equest/../blib/arch/auto/libapreq -lapreq

make[1]: *** [../blib/arch/auto/Apache/Request/Request.dll] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/libapreq-0.33/Request'
make: *** [subdirs] Error 2


Has anyone got this working? I'd certainly appreciate some feedback



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