I use it with uploads and it all works fine.  What I still haven't 
tested is the UPLOAD_HOOK functionality of Apache::Request under it, but 
I'll get around to that shortly.


Philip Mak wrote:

>Has anyone been using mod_accel on a website that has HTTP file uploads?
>I'm having trouble getting file uploads to work with Internet Explorer 5.5,
>Netscape 4.7, or Opera 6 through mod_accel 1.0.10. If I access the backend
>Apache directly, it works.
>I can upload a 1491 byte file, but I can't upload a 13643 byte file (no
>matter which web browser I use). When I try to upload the 13643 byte file
>through mod_accel, the browser just keeps acting like it's loading the page
>and never finishes.
>I'm guessing there might be a buffering problem, but I'm not sure how to go
>about finding the cause of the problem and fixing it... any suggestions?

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