On Sun, 6 Jan 2002, Issac Goldstand wrote:

>   DOES mod_accel buffer the uploads as they come through?  That feature
> would be critical for compatibility with libapreq's UPLOAD_HOOK, which I'm
> finding lots of nice uses for...

Yes, mod_accel buffers completly uploads and starting from 1.0.8
broken uploads even do not go to backend.
The are two reasons:
1. Backend should not wait slow client upload.
2. To implement simple fault-tolerance I need to collect whole upload.
Although second reason does not require to collect whole upload before
sending it to backend.

There is workaround to use UPLOAD_HOOK on backend - you can use mod_proxy
with mod_accel:

ProxyPass          /upload/      http://backend/upload/
ProxyPassReverse   /upload/      http://backend/upload/
AccelPass          /             http://backend/
AccelNoPass        /upload/

Igor Sysoev

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