I'm working on a site that is a mix of php (which I'm gradually converting to 
mod_perl) and mod_perl (running under Apache::Registry and using Template Toolkit 
(TT2)) using an apache configuration like this:

<Directory />
    <Files "*.par">
      SetHandler  perl-script
      PerlHandler Apache::Registry
      Options ExecCGI
      PerlSendHeader On

I took the <Files> approach because, at the time, it seemed like the easiest way to 
have *.php and *.par files coexist during the conversion.

There are many *.par pages (estimate: 70-100 when conversion is complete), and they 
all contain the following code with minor variations that could be made consistent 
(like what constants are imported, what modules are "use"d, etc.).  I'd like to find a 
way to prevent having that code (below) show up over and over again so I can eliminate 
a potential maintenance headache, but I'm not sure of what's a good way to bundle it 
up for reuse.  

One idea I had was to write a handler that acts as a sort of minimal application 
framework that contains the code below and determines what perl module should be 
"require"d and executed based on $apache->path_info and $apache->uri.  This sounds 
like a substantial effort, but would provide a centralized framework where I could add 
features that apply to all pages by only editing code in one place.  Is this a 
reasonable approach?  Are there other simpler approaches?

I'd appreciate any input on how other people are structuring similar type applications 
in mod_perl, where the output is generated by Template Toolkit based on data obtained 
via SQL queries using parameters received mostly in the URL.

#--- BEGIN SAMPLE PAGE testpage.par ---

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -wT
  require "$MyCompany::Basepath->{sitename}/MyCompany/ProjectName/Config/";

use Apache ();
use Apache::Constants qw(:common SERVER_ERROR REDIRECT);
use Apache::DBI;
use strict;

our $apache = Apache->request;
### I realize that I should be handling header_only requests a little differently, but 
code not updated yet.
if ($apache->header_only) {
  return OK;
my $parm = {$apache->args, $apache->content};
my $dbi = $MyCompany::ProjectName::Config::dbi;
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dbi->{dsn}, $dbi->{user}, $dbi->{password},
                       {RaiseError => 1});

# template object is built in apache startup.perl file (before fork)
my $out = &dispatch($apache, $parm, $dbh, $MyCompany::ProjectName::template);
print $out;
return OK;

sub dispatch {
        my ($apache, $parm, $dbh, $tpl) = @_;
my $template_data;
 ### [... fill $template_data with something meaningful here ...] ###

  my $output = "";
  $tpl->process('viewsurveyusers.tpl', $template_data, \$output)
    or die "Error processing template: ".$tpl->error;
  return $output;

#--- END SAMPLE PAGE testpage.par ---

Relevant piece of startup.perl:
#---- BEGIN ---
use Template;
$MyCompany::ProjectName::template = Template->new(INCLUDE_PATH => "tt",
                                          PRE_PROCESS => "config.tpl",
                                          PRE_CHOMP => 1,
#--- END ---

Matthew Pressly

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