On Sun, 13 Jan 2002, Perrin Harkins wrote:

> > I have noticed that Yahoo uses Location: header only for redirect
> responses and thought
> > it may be good to save half of the bandwidth and do the same, as my
> particular script/server
> > is serving redirects mostly.  So my question is how to unset Date:,
> Server: and
> > Content-Type: response headers?
> Who is setting them in the first place?  If they are generated by your
> script and you don't set them, Apache will not add them.  You may be
> seeing them added for redirects that Apache does for you, like sending
> http://yoursite to http://yoursite/.  You can handle those yourself
> instead if you want to.

Apache core always sets 'Server' and 'Date' headers.
You can not simply overwrite them - you need patch Apache or use
low-level Apache API.

Igor Sysoev

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