> Right, and point them to NMS for a replacement too.

so, we've been having a spam problem lately due to formmail.pl.  this
thread prompted me to scan all our user directories and note people
who had formmail.pl sitting around.

I would have liked a link to send them to for the NMS replacement, but
I saw two problems:

1. http://nms-cgi.sourceforge.net/ has only tarballs
2. the name of the script has a different capitalization in the

now, for us, this is a no-brainer.  trying to get non-technical people
(which the vast majority of our hosting customers are) to make the
switch, though, will result in lots of headaches and support calls
(which are expensive)...

is anyone here involved in this project?  what we really need is to be
able to say:

"hey, just plop this file http://nms-cgi.sourceforge.net/formmail.pl
in place of your old formmail.pl"


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