Seems wierd. I do this quite succesfully myself, although I did have problems
when compressing images and html together using Apache::Compress - similar
symptom to yours. Are you doing anything else in the handler?  Have you stripped
this down to the most basic form e.g. a handler that prints out 'hello world'
with a single IMG tag in the html perhaps? And there's nothing in the error_log
at all? Try sticking some code in before and after 'return DECLINED' - something

$r->log_error("Serving content type: " . $r->content_type() . " for uri " .
$r->uri() ) ;

So you can see what's being requested. Also, what does your httpd.conf look

Be aware that if your client requests the / uri, the mime type that you get is
not text/html but httpd/unix-directory. You may want to change the way it works
to specifying what you explicitly don't handle (I recommend using regex here)
rather than what you do.


"R.Munden" wrote:

> I've a script (controlled by a <Location> directive) that wraps a standard
> header and footer around an HTML page
> I've this at the top of my script:
> my $r = shift;
>  return DECLINED unless ($r->content_type() eq 'text/html');
> but any images that may be inline never make it to the browser (also, if I
> explicitly call the image in question it never makes it to the browser).
> Apache gives a 200 status code for these requests in the access log but
> Netscape 6.2 just sits there and IE returns a 'Cannot find server...' error.
> Any ideas, where to start looking, etc.?
> --rjm--

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