On Thu, 17 Jan 2002, Philip Mak wrote:

> The following webpage on a mod_deflate enabled server is not working
> correctly in some browsers:
> http://www.aaanime.net/pmak/sylphiel/
> If I "telnet www.aaanime.net 80" and send the following commands:
> GET /pmak/sylphiel/ HTTP/1.1
> Host: www.aaanime.net
> Accept-Encoding: gzip
> then the data it sends back is partially gzip, and partially plain
> text! It is sent with "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" and the first 1 or
> 2 chunks are gzipped, but the rest are not.
> The source code for the page is an .shtml file. Inside that .shtml
> file, I have the directive <!--#exec cgi="navbar.cgi"-->. Everything
> until after that directive is gzipped, then the rest of it is not.
> navbar.cgi is a simple perl script that does:
> print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
> followed by a few more "print" statements.
> Any idea how to fix this problem? Do I need to provide any additional
> information in particular? Thanks.

The problem really exists. I suspect '<!--#exec' although '<!--#include'
works fine on our several sites. I'll try to repeat it in my local

Igor Sysoev

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