On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Jeremy Howard wrote:

> Geoffrey Young wrote:
> > Philip Mak wrote:
> > >>>The following webpage on a mod_deflate enabled server is not working
> > >>>correctly in some browsers:
> <...>
> > a few of us have been wondering where all the traffic on these modules
> > has been coming from, is all - I thought it might genuinely be some
> > mis-documentation or something...
> >
> I originally introduced these modules to this list in an earlier post titled
> "Report on mod_accel and mod_deflate" in which I promoted these modules as
> an excellent tool for creating a front-end accelerator to mod_perl web
> applications. It included brief documentation for installing and configuring
> the modules--previously there had only been Russian documentation.
> There's been no other location for English language discussion of these
> modules. So the discussion has ended up here. I take full responsibility for
> any OT pollution as a result. ;-)
> Given that these modules are new, don't have an active discussion home in
> English yet, and are very relevent to mod_perl programmers, I'd like to see
> discussion remain here, or at least have Igor post the occassional update on
> new releases etc.

As to mod_deflate I think mod_perl list is not right place to discuss it.
But mod_accel discussion is more relevent to this list as well as
lingerd, mod_proxy, Squid and other reverse proxing or accelerating

> If that bothers anyone then I'm happy to set up a mailing list elsewhere, of
> course.

I think it would be nice.

Igor Sysoev

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