On my Apache mod_perl is generally enabled with the following statement:

<Directory "/data/apache">
    <Files ~ "\.pl$">
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::Registry
        Options +ExecCGI

Now I've couple of pl-files in a certain virtual host that dont run
under mod_perl. How can I disable mod_perl for this virtual host or a certain folder ?

I tried (in the virtual-host config):
 <Files ~ "\.pl$">
        SetHandler cgi-script
        Options +ExecCGI

and even 

 <Files ~ "\.pl$">
        SetHandler default-handler
        Options +ExecCGI

but it didnt work - I have the feeling that I also should specifiy
PerlHandler, but dont know to which value (tried to set it to
'default-handler' but scripts are still running under mod_perl)

any help appretiated,


ps: scripts also dont run under PerlRun - they are really badstyled.

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