Hi peter,

        If I got, the problem is yours the problem about disabling mod_perl. You can 
do that with somthing like this:

<VirtualHost ...>
<Location />
        SetHandler default-handler

Merlin, The Mage

Diz-se que Grande Mestre [EMAIL PROTECTED] disse outrora:
:: On Tue, Jan 22, 2002 at 08:31:02AM -0500, Geoffrey Young wrote:
:: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
:: > > On my Apache mod_perl is generally enabled with the following
:: > > statement:
:: > >
:: > > <Directory "/data/apache">
:: > >     <Files ~ "\.pl$">
:: > >         SetHandler perl-script
:: > >         PerlHandler Apache::Registry
:: > >         Options +ExecCGI
:: > >     </Files>
:: > > </Directory>
:: >
:: > you might have better luck with something like
:: >
:: > <Directory "/data/apache">
:: >   AddHandler .pl perl-script
:: >   PerlHandler Apache::Registry
:: >   Options +ExecCGI
:: > </Directory>
:: thnx, but: This part doesnt make the problem. mod_perl works like a
:: charm. Problem is how to deactivate it for a certain location ?
:: thnx,
:: peter

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Alguem disse, talvez Merlin:  Camelot vai renascer... Brevemente... Online!!

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