We've had a fair amount of success handing long processing jobs off to
daemons (written with Net:Daemon, in most cases passing across args using
Net::Telnet), using pages with reloading redirects to check the daemon
status in a table.

Avoids much work in httpd, and allows user to hang up web connection and
return later to continue viewing status.

- Chris

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike P. Mikhailov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, 22 January 2002 6:04 PM
> To: eCap
> Subject: Re: Forking another process in Apache?
> Hello eCap,
> Monday, January 21, 2002, 10:45:37 PM, you wrote:
> e> A newbie question here...
> e> I have a requirement to spin off a SQL loader process after a
> web page (a
> e> form which is qualified and accepted) has been submitted.  Does it make
> e> sense, or more importantly, is it dangerous to apply a "fork"
> at the end of
> e> a module such as this:
> e> sub handler {
> e>  # do some qualification stuff here and accept the form submission...
> e>  if ($pid = fork) {
> e>   # parent
> e>   # ...whatever i need to accomplish to deliver return html code
> e>   return OK
> e>  } elsif {
> e>   # child
> e>   exec($sql_loader);
> e>  } else {
> e>   # ...whatever i ned to do to recover errors
> e>   return DECLINED
> e>  }
> e> }
> e> Are there any dangers in doing something like this?  Or is there a more
> e> efficient way to accomplish the same thing?
> e> Thanks for the advice,
> e> Kirk
> I'm recently implement exactly such loader. From the client HTTP
> request I'm starting loader with double fork approach. I'm loading
> posssible large enough (about 100 - 150 MB) data from DBF flat files
> into Oracle in single transaction (I'm must provide consistency).
> Loader process takes about 40-50 min to complete and consumes many
> resources (CPU and RAM). But it works !
> --
> WBR, Mike P. Mikhailov
> Pessimests are right more often, but optimists are happy more often

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