> Is anyone familiar with how to go about setting up a test suite for a
> web UI -- without spending an arm and a leg? (Remember, Bricolage is an
> OSS effort!).

Yes, it's very easy.  We did this using student labor, because it is
an excellent project for students and it's probably cheaper.  It's
very important.  We run our test suite nightly.

I'm an extreme programming (XP) advocate.  Testing is one of the most
important practices in XP.

I'm working on packaging what we did so it is fit for public
consumption.  Expect something in a month or so.  It'll come with a
rudimentary test suite for our demo petshop app.

There are many web testers out there.  To put it bluntly, they don't
let you write maintainable test suites.  The key to maintainability is
being able to define your own domain specific language.  Just like
writing maintainable code, you have to encapsulate commonality and
behavior.  The scripts should be short and only contain the details
pertinent to the particular test.  Perl is ideal for this, because you
can easily create domain specific languages.


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