Hi Craig,

> Have you ever heard of the hw verification tool Specman Elite by Verisity 
> (www.verisity.com)?

No, but it looks interesting.  It would be good to have something like
this for unit tests.  I haven't had very good experience with
automated acceptance testing, however.  The software should be robust
against garbage in, but the main problem we have is making sure the
numbers add up, and that we generate the correct tax forms!  It's
pretty tricky stuff.

FWIW, we are very happy with our unit test structure.  It has evolved
over many years, and many different languages.  I've appended a simple
example, because it is quite different than most of the unit testing
frameworks out there.  It uses the XP philosophy of once and only once
as well as test what is likely to break.


#!perl -w
# $Id: Integer.t,v 1.7 2001/11/24 04:30:19 nagler Exp $
use strict;
use Bivio::Test;
use Bivio::Type::Integer;
use Bivio::TypeError;
    'Bivio::Type::Integer' => [
        get_min => -999999999,
        get_max => 999999999,
        get_precision => 9,
        get_width => 10,
        get_decimals => 0,
        can_be_zero => 1,
        can_be_positive => 1,
        can_be_negative => 1,
        from_literal => [
            ['9'] => [9],
            ['+00009'] => [9],
            ['-00009'] => [-9],
            ['x'] => [undef, Bivio::TypeError->INTEGER],
            [undef] => [undef],
            [''] => [undef],
            [' '] => [undef],
            ['-99999999999999'] => [undef, Bivio::TypeError->NUMBER_RANGE],
            ['-00000000000009'] => [-9],
            ['+00000000000009'] => [9],
            ['-999999999'] => [-999999999],
            ['+999999999'] => [999999999],
            ['+1000000000'] => [undef, Bivio::TypeError->NUMBER_RANGE],
            ['-1000000000'] => [undef, Bivio::TypeError->NUMBER_RANGE],
    Bivio::Type::Integer->new(1,10) => [
        get_min => 1,
        get_max => 10,
        get_precision => 2,
        get_width => 2,
        get_decimals => 0,
        can_be_zero => 0,
        can_be_positive => 1,
        can_be_negative => 0,
        from_literal => [
            ['00001'] => [1],
            ['+00001'] => [1],
            ['0'] => [undef, Bivio::TypeError->NUMBER_RANGE],
            ['11'] => [undef, Bivio::TypeError->NUMBER_RANGE],
            ['-00001'] => [undef, Bivio::TypeError->NUMBER_RANGE],
            [undef] => [undef],
            ['-00000000000009'] => [undef, Bivio::TypeError->NUMBER_RANGE],
            ['+00000000000009'] => [9],

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