> > I tried it with the product I'm working
> > on and it just kept outputting blank body data.
> hmph.  very odd.  I guess we need to trace the output to see what's going on.

Yep. Lots of wierdness... The only thing I can assure is that the script
works fine under mod_cgi, and is messing with Apache objects at all.

> > I am now using a very simple script and I have realized that my solution
> > does not work in all cases either :-)
> yes, that's what I pointed out before :)
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=apache-modperl&m=100687034903369&w=2

Wow, that's different now. I'm not redirecting to >/dev/null but to a
temp file from which I extract the headers.

> ok.  in true programmer fashion, of course I think my approach is better :)  at 
>least, it
> seems less hackish to me, and playing with STDOUT just isn't typical in mod_perl, 
> it's really tied behind the scenes.

Well actually I tend to agree with that. I don't really like the fact
that I need to create temp files, nor redirect STDOUT. But hey, I'm just
trying to get this stuff working OK... and I can't find any decent
online API reference for Apache::RegistryNG. Besides, the edition of
"Writing Apache modules with Perl and C" that I'm using doesn't seem to
cover all Apache::Registry API. Sigh...

> anyway, if you send me a sample script I can play with it some.  for the most part, 
> stuff is code ripped right from mod_perl core, but there could be something subtle 
> on that is easily fixable.

Okay dokay. I'll stop playing with my mailer and try to do some
debugging work now :-)

  Jean-Michel Hiver - Software Director
  +44 (0)114 221 4968
                                      VISIT HTTP://WWW.MKDOC.COM

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