
On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 10:24:24AM -0800, Mod Perl wrote:
> Here are the problems/Questions that I face:
> 1. Since in this case each requests for a html file
> has multiple files that need to be downloaded by the
> client. Am I right to assume that the handler will act
> on each and every file requested file below my
> /en/course URI?
Add something like 
  return DECLINED unless $r->content_type() eq 'text/html';
near the top of your handler.

This way only html-documents get handled by your handler, the rest falls
through to the default apache handler.

 D_OMM      +---->  http://domm.zsi.at <-----+
 O_xyderkes |       neu:  Arbeitsplatz       |   
 M_echanen  | http://domm.zsi.at/d/d162.html |
 M_asteuei  +--------------------------------+

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