Two things,

First check out About as out-of-the-box
as you can get.  Last time I tried it seemed to 'do the right thing'
for me.

For mod_perl specifics you might also check out chapter 1 of the
"mod_perl Developer's Cookbook".  I think it's a pretty good stab at
showing a novice how to compile and install apache+mod_perl (though
not mod_ssl... alas) The complete chapter is online at


On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 12:04:19AM +0000, Ged Haywood wrote:
> Hi there,
> On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Rod Butcher wrote:
> > professionals are being driven mad, despite reading the Guide (which despite
> > being complete is still mysterious, it comes across as having a mission
> > statement to contain everything rather than to be useful, sorry). 
> Patches, chapters, help are always welcome I'm sure.
> > My .05 is that all development be stopped until the instal process
> > is up to the same standard as M$. This is what made M$ rich, the
> > sheer installability and usability. I was visiting somebody
> > yesterday and he had Win2K installing while we talked for an hour.
> Yeah, I had a car like that once, but I got rid of it.
> When I installed the operating system on a Mac last year it took
> about three minutes - including all the tools, browsers and wotnot
> that you could wish for - with no intervention from me at all.
> After the pain I've been through with some W1nd0ze installations
> it was very refreshing.  So I guess what I'm saying is that there's
> a lot more to it than that, or Apple would be ruling the world.
> 73,
> Ged.

Paul Lindner    [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ||||| | | | |  |  |  |   |   |

    mod_perl Developer's Cookbook
         Human Rights Declaration

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