Sreeji K Das wrote:
> Hi
> The following
> perl -MDevel::Symdump -e '$t =
> Devel::Symdump->new(main); print $t->packages, "\n";'
> in perl 5.6.1 returns <none> as one the packages !
> Apache::Symbol (mod_perl-1.26) seems to call a
> 'can('undef_function..' on this values & as a result,
> a fatal error is thrown ! I have done a 'next if
> /\<none\>/' in Apache::Symbol to work around this.
> There is no problem in perl-5.005. No one else faced
> similar problem ? BTW, all this is in Solaris 2.6

I guess you're using Apache::StatINC?  from the recesses of my memory,
I think that only Apache::StatINC uses Apache::Symbol, and in perl
5.6.0 the need for Apache::Symbol was removed, since subroutine
redefined warnings were made not-mandatory.

at any rate, if you're using Apache::StatINC you can probably just
move to Apache::Reload to avoid the problem.  other than that, I'm not
sure what to tell you - I can't recall anyone else reporting this


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