Hi Alex,

The problem is that package FooBar doesn't have a "new" method. Here's what
happened as a result.

When you called 'FooBar->new($r), perl looked for a sub called "new" in package
FooBar. Since it didn't find one, it looked at FooBar's @ISA, and looked in
Apache::Request for a "new" method. There it presumably found one, so that
statement didn't return an error. But, the new() in Apache::Request probably
returned an Apache::Request object instead of a FooBar object, so when you
called "$form->fooey", it only looked in Apache::Request and any modules in it's

You might want to look at using the universal "isa" and "can" methods while
you're debugging and trying stuff out. Good luck!

Wes Sheldahl

"Alex Porras" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/14/2002 01:44:20 PM

To:   "mod perl list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:    (bcc: Wesley Sheldahl/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  inheritance and Apache::Request

I am slowly learning about OO from Tom's tutorial, and was able to do
inheritance with two dummy classes I wrote, including adding methods to the
subclass and have them work too.  However, when I tried to inherit from
Apache::Request, it doesn't seem to work right.  Maybe this isn't an
Apache::Request issue, so forgive me if that's the case, but here's what I got:

package FooBar;

use strict;
use Apache::Request();

@FooBar::ISA = qw(Apache::Request);

sub fooey {
     print "hello world, I'm in FooBar";


sub handler {
     my $r = shift;
     my $form = FooBar->new($r);

Here's the error I get:

[Thu Feb 14 12:35:14 2002] [error] Can't locate object method "fooey" via
package "Apache::Request" (perhaps you forgot to load "Apache::Request"?) at
/path/modified/Handler.pm line 21.

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