Ooh!!! Ooh!!! *jumps to publicize his module in a desperate attempt to 
find someone who might actually NEED it* [So I'm shameless...  So what? :-)]

Apache::GD::Thumbnail - CPAN friendly.  It needs, however, GD, which 
means that instead of using Perl Magick for the sole use of generating 
thumbnails, you'll be using GD for the sole purpose of generating 
thumbnails...  Also, it only has jpeg support currently...

But it _is_ easy :-)


Jonathan M. Hollin wrote:

>The WYPUG migration from Win2K to Linux is progressing very nicely.
>However, despite my best efforts, I can't get Perl Magick to work
>(Image::Magick compiled successfully and without problems).  All I use
>Perl Magick for is generating thumbnails (which seems like a waste
>anyway).  So, is there an alternative - a module that will take an image
>(gif/jpeg) and generate a thumbnail from it?  I have searched CPAN but
>haven't noticed anything suitable.  If not, is there anyone who would be
>willing to help me install Perl Magick properly?
>Kindest regards,
>Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
>West Yorkshire Perl User Group

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