You've addressed the issue of someone submitting a form with altered fields
to attack the server, and pointed out some more advantages, but I don't
think you've addressed the issue of protecting the "hidden" cleartext data
from others on the client side. I guess that's a matter of how paranoid you
think you need to be, and how confidential is the data you're storing.
Looking at CGI::EncryptForm that Perrin mentioned, it appears that that
module would address this concern by storing client-side in a single
encrypted string that gets put in one hidden form variable. That also
avoids having to verify more than once.

Looks like it might worth be taking another look at this approach next time
I start a new project.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 02/20/2002 11:48:28 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To:   mod_perl Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Re: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

> The usual objection I've heard to using form fields is the security
> risk of people changing hidden fields in ways unforseen before submitting
> the form back, or of other people finding confidential data hidden in
> fields if the user walks away and leaves their browser open, or the web
> page info gets hijacked somehow. Does your module address this, or is
> yet another tradeoff between security and functionality/convenience?

No, this just means that input must be validated once again when the
last «really, really sure ?» button is depressed. Conceptually, this
divides the pages of your site into two categories (not unlike the
view vs. controller distinction in Model-View-Controller paradigm for
GUIs): those that just interact with the user and do the navigation,
and those that actually have side effects such as writing data into your
database, sending e-mails, placing orders etc.

Both page types may have form input validation code on the server
side, but in the first case this is just convenience for the user
(warn early and don't say "woops" after 9 pages and 10 minutes of
typing). The latter MUST have validation for security to hold (even if
this means validating twice). This way, changing hidden fields gains
an attacker nothing, since he will be blocked at the final submit
anyway. Doing things this way also has other advantages
e.g. interfacing: one can write automatisms with "wget" or
LWP::UserAgent to trigger actions in the database without any further
programming needed on the server side.

Dominique QUATRAVAUX                           Ingénieur développeur sénior
01 44 42 00 35                                 IDEALX

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