> If you had something like Speakeasy DSL or a similar provider that allows
> you to run your own servers, you can run a server out of your house and
> use mod_perl and have fun.
> -- Brett

I actually have BellSouth dsl.  I've never perused their acceptable use 
policy, but I never thought it was a good idea to host a site at home 
because of a lot of things....I have to open port 80 and then I'd have 
to worry even more about security, it's dynamic IP and my IP refreshes 
fairly regularly and the dyndns service that I use sometimes lags by as 
much as 15 minutes in its updates.  I live in a thunderstorm-rich area, 
our power is constantly going out, etc... then again, what I'd like to 
host isn't mission critical so maybe I'll rethink that...I've gotten 
some good feedback so far, thanks to everyone!

I still would like to find either an ISP or a colo, because the other 
half of it is that I do a good deal of freelance work on sites, and 
having the option to resell a hosting agreement that supports mod_perl 
and then having mod_perl at my disposal for app development is 
attractive.  I certainly would not want to host that kind of thing at 


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