Wilfred Chan said:

> Hi, I have limited knowledge with http servers.  I was told that apache was
> the best a few years back and I tried apache with my Win98 OS at that time.
> I pretty much just edited the configurations so that the webpage will load
> and left everything in default.  I am fairly new at this and I just wanted
> to ask what you guys think the differences are between running apache on
> Windows VS on linux.  I am not good with linux.  Thanks!

Based on my own experience, if you have worked with Unix machines sometime in your
past -- it could be in your distant past --, choose Apache on Linux or any flavor
of Unix over Windows. Unix is far easier to comprehend than Windows, the
documentation is better, and the help more readily given and abundant. Oh yeah,
and more stable.

The key is that you need to read the documentation, starting with the INSTALL and
README files that come with most Open Source software. Also, investing in a few,
good reference manuals is a big help. O'Reilly (http://www.oreilly.com/) publishes
a lot of good manuals. Coming from the Windows world, you will be amazed at the
quality of the documentation that exists in Open Source.

I know I was, and I had used and supported Windows machines for almost a decade
before returning to Unix for mission-critical stuff.

One final piece of advice and why the [OT] is in my reply -- this list discusses
mod_perl, which is a module that can be used in Apache. The folks here are --
present writer excepted -- very knowledgeable, very helpful, and very polite.
However, your question would be best addressed to a pure Apache mailing list. A
description can be found here:


or you can subscribe by mailing an empty message to the address below:


Take care,

Kurt Hansen

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