I'm a heavy mod_perl user, running 3 sites as virtual servers, all with 
lots of custom Perl code.  My httpd's are huge(~50mb), but with the help of 
a startup file I'm able to get them sharing most of their 
memory(~43).  With the help of GTopLimit, I'm able to keep the memory usage 
under control.

But... recently, something happened, and things have changed.  After some 
random amount of time (1 to 40 minutes or so, under load), the parent httpd 
suddenly loses about 7-10mb of share between it and any new child it 
spawns.  As you can imagine, the memory footprint of my httpds skyrockets 
and the delicate balance I set up is disturbed.  Also, GTopLimit is no help 
in this case - it actually causes flailing because each new child starts 
with memory sharing that is out of bounds and is thus killed very quickly.

Restarting Apache resets the memory usage and restores the server to smooth 
operation.  Until, it happens again.

Using GTop() to get the shared memory of each child before and after 
running my perl for each page load showed that it wasn't my code causing 
the jump, but suddenly the child, after having a good amount of shared 
memory in use, loses a 10MB chunk and from then on the other children 
follow suit.

So, something I did on the server (I'm always doing stuff!) has caused this 
change to happen, but I've been pulling my hair out for days trying to 
track it down.  I am now getting desperate.  One of the recent things I did 
was to run "tux" (another web server) to serve my images, but I don't see 
how that could have any effect on this.

If anyone has any ideas what might cause the httpd parent (and new 
children) to lose a big chunk of shared memory between them, please let me 

Thanks in advance,


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