On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 09:18:32 -0500
Bill Marrs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But... recently, something happened, and things have changed.  After some 
> random amount of time (1 to 40 minutes or so, under load), the parent httpd 
> suddenly loses about 7-10mb of share between it and any new child it 
> spawns.  As you can imagine, the memory footprint of my httpds skyrockets 
> and the delicate balance I set up is disturbed.  Also, GTopLimit is no help 

> Restarting Apache resets the memory usage and restores the server to smooth 
> operation.  Until, it happens again.

Hi Bill

I can't give you a decent answer, but I have noticed this as well, and my
impression is that this happens when your httpd's are swapped out
(when your system runs short of free memory) - or perhaps just when the parent
httpd is swapped out (been a while - can't remember exactly what symptoms
I observed). I think the whole phenomenon is a side-effect of normal
memory management - I'm sure someone on the list will have a proper



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