I'll put it on CPAN if there's interest.

    Apache::FillInForm - mod_perl interface to HTML::FillInForm


      PerlModule Apache::Filter
      PerlModule Apache::FillInForm
      <FilesMatch "\.foo$">
        PerlSetVar Filter on
        PerlHandler Apache::RegistryFilter Apache::FillInForm

    And then somewhere in your application:

      use Apache::FillInForm;
      Apache::FillInForm->fill; # We have a form to fill out

    This is a mod_perl filter that uses HTML::FillInForm and Apache::Request
    to automatically populate forms with user submitted data.

    Your application should call Apache::FillInForm->fill to indicate that
    you need a form filled in. If you don't do that, the filter passes the
    content through unmodified to minimize the performance hit for pages
    with no forms. Regardless of how many times you call
    Apache::FillInForm->fill, your content will only be filtered once per

    The data source for the forms is taken from Apache::Request by calling
    its instance() method. If you're unfamiliar with how the instance()
    method works, see the Apache::Request documentation.

    If you don't want to use Apache::Request you should be able to subclass
    this module and override its data() method. The data() method should
    return either a hash reference or an object that has a CGI.pm-style
    param() interface.

    May want to allow specific forms to be targeted by name and use separate
    data sources for each.

    Warning: This interface is experimental and may change based on
    experience and feedback.

    Copyright 2002, Maurice Aubrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. All rights

    This module is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    perl(1), mod_perl(3), Apache(3), Apache::Filter(3), HTML::FillInForm(3),

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