>     httpd.conf:
>       PerlModule Apache::Filter
>       PerlModule Apache::FillInForm
>       <FilesMatch "\.foo$">
>         PerlSetVar Filter on
>         PerlHandler Apache::RegistryFilter Apache::FillInForm
>       </FilesMatch>
>     And then somewhere in your application:
>       use Apache::FillInForm;
>       Apache::FillInForm->fill; # We have a form to fill out

Excuse my ignorance, but I'm a bit confused.  From this example, would
test.foo be an HTML file, or a Perl program?  

If the former, in what what application would you call fill()?  

If the latter, is the Apache conf to tell Apache::Filter to fill in
whatever form it finds in the Perl program's output?


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