Forgive me if this is really elementary.

Within mod_perl, I would like to know the pid of the master Apache daemon,
*after* it forks and goes into the background, but without knowing the
location of httpd.conf or knowing the pidfile beforehand. Storing $$
during startup gives me the pid before forking (i.e., on an idle Linux
system it's usually 2 lower than the pid of the actual daemon). Checking 
$$ in the children is of course not useful.

It seems like I could do one of the following:

1. Just ask some secret Apache routine to give me the number. I haven't 
found such a routine.

2. Find a way to access Apache globals such as char *ap_pid_fname, then 
read the file. This would be fine.

3. Snag the PidFile directive during startup time.

But I haven't found a way to do any of those so far. Most access to pids
seems centered on child pids, while the master pid seems totally
unavailable. (Apache::Scoreboard, for example.)

Does anyone know of a nice way to do this?


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