On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Geoffrey Young wrote:

> > > Jon Jensen wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Within mod_perl, I would like to know the pid of the master Apache daemon,
> well, here's one other way:
> <Perl>
>   $Apache::Server::SaveConfig = 1;
>   $PidFile = 'logs/httpd.pid';
> </Perl>
> PerlInitHandler 'sub { warn "The parent pid file is: ", \
>    shift->server_root_relative($Apache::ReadConfig::PidFile)}'
> yeilds:
> The parent pid file is: /usr/local/apache/logs/httpd.pid at (eval 312)
> line 1.
> if you really need access to ap_pid_fname() that looks easy enough,
> but justification for needing it would help doug make the
> architectural decision whether to include it or not in core.

My main motivation is the Don't Repeat Yourself principle -- I'd like to 
be able to find out the name of the pidfile without duplicating its name 
and location anywhere in the configuration, and since Apache already knows 
it, I can't think of a reason mod_perl shouldn't expose it.

But either way, life will go on. :)


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