Garth Winter Webb wrote:

>On Fri, 2002-03-22 at 12:57, Robert Landrum wrote:
>>>That's is very weird, because this code doesn't seem to work:
>>>perl -e 'system("perl", " -e1") == 0 or die "oops"'
>>Actually, that's not all that weird.  Most shells take care of 
>>stripping out garbage before setting the argument list.  Since 
>>system(LIST) doesn't use the shell, it's passing perl the literal " 
>>-e1" which perl won't recognize as a command line option (and 
>>correctly so in my opinion).
>Actually this isn't standard behavior.  I can't think of a situation
>where I would want to use system to concatanate a string for me rather
>than interpreting the string as an argument and act accordingly.  If you
>check 'perldoc -f system', this is exactly what system is supposed to do
>when given a program name and a list of arguments, so it looks like
>'systetm' may be buggy in the win32 version of perl
I think so too.  I,m no Perl guru, but I know from my personal 
experiance that it works fine under unix and cygwin, but I _always_ have 
had to manually do this under normal Win32 (I know, I know, I never 
submitted a patch...  I guess the reason was because I never [finally] 
compiled mod_perl for Win32 and had enough strength left to diff the 
Makefiles... :-(  )


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