At 2:27 PM -0500 3/23/02, Geoffrey Young wrote:
>you might be interested in Joshua Chamas' ongoing benchmark project:
>he has the results from a benchmark of Apache::Registry and plain 
>handlers, as well as comparisons between HTML::Mason, Embperl, and 
>other templating engines.

Although there are lots of qualifiers on those benchmarks, I consider 
them rather dangerous anyway.  They are "Hello World" benchmarks, in 
which startup time completely dominates the time. The things that 
distinguish more sophisticated solutions from basic CGI or even 
modules are elements such as caching, pre-compiling and other 
techniques directly aimed at improving real-world performance.  Hello 
World isn't going to show those at all.

Kee Hinckley - Somewhere.Com, LLC

I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
everyone else's.

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