On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 01:45:13AM +0100, Daniel Jonda wrote:
> Hi.
> I have a short question about perl and apache httpd server.
> Where can I activate that multimedia files like gifs and jpgs 
> run under my cgi-bin dir ?
GIFs, JPGs, etc, don't *run*. They're not executable code. They
can be served, as a simple stream of bytes, with the headers
informing of the type.

But they aren't run, and you shouldn't put them in you cgi-bin dir.
Put them any place else, it doesn't matter as long as the webserver
is configured to serve them and has permissions to read them.

Luciano Rocha

Luciano Rocha, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The trouble with computers is that they do what you tell them, not what
you want.
                -- D. Cohen

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